18 December 2010


Santa had a dream in which someone murdered him.
Next day he closed his bank account. Know why?
Because the bank’s slogan was:
We make your dreams come true…

Major Rohail told me T.V cabel is not good for kids,
they don’t study,so i got rid of it
Banta: Good?
Santa: Now we have a Dish Installed
A lady calls Santa for repairing door bell,
Santa doesn’t turns up for 4 days.
Lady calls again, Santa replies,
I’m coming daily since 4 days,
I press the bell but no one comes out.
A Chini was in hospital.
SANTA went to meet him.
Chini said “CHING CHONG, MOU.CHU CHA” & died.
SANTA went china 2 know the meaning,
that was:-
An Englishman and Santa inside the toilet.
Englishman: Good evening, how do u do?
Santa: Gud evening, we open the zip and do.
Bantas advise:-
Dont carry umbrella during rain
Keep WHISPER on ur head
ye ghanto tak geelepan
ka ahsas nahi hone deta:D
An astronomer was watching the sky from his telescope.
Santa Singh was observing him, suddenly a star falls.
Seeing that Santa Singh shouted, “what a shot you made!” __________________________________________
American: In our country ,
marriage even takes place with email.
Santa: In India, it is only with a female

Banta: U get marry with Santa after my death,
Preeto: But why? He is ur no. 1 enemy,
Banta: This is only way to take revenge with Santa.


Banta: How r u getting along as a businessman?
Santa: Oh, I am so busy that I have 2 keep my secretary close 2 my bed in case I get an idea at night.


Santa: I hav`nt slept all nyt in d train.
Banta: Y?
Santa: Got uper brth.
Banta: Y did`nt u xchange?
Santa: Dere was nobody 2 xchange in d lower brth.


Santa: My wife died yesterday. I`m trying to cry but tears are not come out, what to do?
Banta: No Problem. Just imagine she came back.


Santa and Banta met after a long time and enquired about their married life.
Banta: My wife is an angel.
Santa: Good! Mine is still with me.


Santa committing suicide, Banta asked the reason.
Santa: My wife ran with my friend and I can`t live without my friend.


Banta: Why did you sleep with a scale?
Santa: Because I wanted to measure how long I have slept.


Santa: I was born in Punjab.
Banta: Which part?
Santa: All of me.


Santa: A man opened a petrol pump, but not even one customer went there.
Banta: Why?
Santa: Because he opened petrol pump on second floor.


Banta: Do u know why women starts with `W`?
Santa: Bcoz all questions start with `W`.


Banta: What is the thinnest book in the world?
Santa: What Men Know About Women.


Banta: Why were males created before females?
Santa: Because you always need a rough draft before the final copy.

Dr. Santa and Engineer Banta loved same girl.
Er. Banta started giving an apple 2 d girl everyday.
Dr. Santa: Why?
Er. Banta: An apple a day keeps d doctor away!


Santa: When I woke up this morning, I felt like going out and getting a job.
Banta: Did you?
Santa: No. I stayed in bed until the feeling passed.


Santa: Teacher, can I go to the bathroom?
Teacher: May I go to the bathroom?
Santa: But I asked first!


Judge: Why r u arrested?
Santa: For shopping early.
Judge: Well, thats not a crime, anyway how early were u shopping?
Santa: Before opening the shop.

Banta: My wife thinks I am perfect.
Santa: Yes I heard her say so.
Banta: When?
Santa: The time she called you an idiot.

Banta: Hey, man! Please call me a taxi.
Santa: Yes. You are a taxi.


Santa: Did u hear that a baby was fed on elephant`s milk & gained 20 pounds in a week.
Banta: That`s impossible. Whose baby?
Santa: An elephant`s.


Banta: Aren`t you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?
Santa: Yes I am, I married the wrong woman.

At a traffic court, the judge asked Santa.
Tell me, why did you park your car here?
Santa: Well, there was a sign that said `fine for parking.`


Santa and Banta were fixing a bomb in a car.
Banta: What would you do if the bomb explodes while fixing.
Santa: Don`t worry, I have one more.


Banta: Y did u buy ur wife a diamond ring 4 her B'day? I thought she wanted a car.
Santa: She did, but where in d world was I going 2 find a fake car?


Customer: Do you serve crabs also?
Waiter: We serve anyone who comes, sit down and places the order.


Banta: Don`t you find writing a thankless job?
Santa: On the contrary, everything I write is retuned with thanks.


Banta: Name a product in which the supply always exceeds the demand.
Santa: Trouble.


Santa laughing behind Banta at ATM centre.
Santa: I have seen ur password.
Banta: What is it?
Santa: Its 4 stars [****].
Banta: U r wrong its `3387`.


While walking in d highlands Santa fell down a deep hole.
Banta: R u ok?
Santa: Yes!
Banta: Did u break anything?
Santa: No, there`s nothin down here.


Santa: Why r all these people running?
Man: This is a race, d winner will get d cup.
Santa: If only the winner will get d cup, why are others running?


Santa is repeatedly buying movie tickets.
Finally the ticket seller asks him why?
Santa: Some guy standing at the door is tearing my ticket!


Santa saw a beautiful girl, he went and kissed her.
Girl: Stupid what r u doing?
Santa: B.Com final year.

Banta: Some people can tell time by looking at the sun.
Santa: But I`ve never been able to see the numbers.

Santa wins 20 cr from Rs.20.00/- lottery ticket.
Dealer gave 11 cr after deducting tax.
Angry Santa: Give me 20 cr or else return my Rs.20.00/- back!


Banta: Why were Adam and Eve so happy?
Santa: Bcoz neither of them had in-laws.


Santa sitting on the top of the mountain and studying.
Banta: What are you doing?
Santa: Higher studies.


Santa got a job in AIrtel.
Customer: My Airtel sim locked. Wat 2 do?
Santa: Don`t take tension remove Airtel sim & put BSNL. Thank u 4 calling AIrtel.


Santa was standing in sun on a hot sunny day.
Banta: What are you doing?
Santa: Drying sweat.


Santa is buying a TV.
Santa: Do you have color TVs?
Salesman: Sure.
Santa: Give me a green one, please.


 Every man needs a beautiful wife, intelligent wife, caring wife, loving wife, adjusting & cooperative wife, but it`s sad that law allows only 1 wife.


Santa was busy in removing a wheel from auto,
Banta: Why are u removing a wheel from ur auto?
Santa: Can`t u read `Parking for two wheelers only`.

Banta: Why do you take your wife only to night clubs?
Santa: By the time she gets ready no other place is open.

Santa: Today is Sunday & I wanna enjoy, so I bought 3 movie tickets.
Jeeto: Why 3?
Santa: For u and ur parents.


At d scene of an accident a man was crying: O God! I`ve lost my hand.
Santa: Cntrol urself don`t cry. See dat man. He has lost his head. Is he crying?


Lady to inspector Santa: My husband went to buy potatoes 5 days ago, he hasn`t come back yet.
Santa: Why don`t u cook something else?


Museum Administrator: That`s a 500 year old statue you have broken.
Banta: Thanks God! I thought it was a new one.

Teacher: Tomorrow there will be a lecture on Sun.
Santa: I wil not be able 2 attend it.
Teacher: Why?
Santa: My mother wil not allow me 2 go so far.


 Jeeto: Wat is 10 years with me?
Santa: A second.
Jeeto: Wat is $1000 for me?
Santa: A coin.
Jeeto: Ok give me a coin.
Santa: Wait a second


Teacher: Who is ur favorite writer?
Student: Ur daughter.
Teacher: Why?
Student: Everyday she gives me a nice love letter.


Santa is going late to class.
He entered the class without permission, and said to Teacher: Hey Sweety! Carry on. Don`t Stop for me.


Santa: A sincere Traffic Police was suspended from his job.
Banta: Why?
Santa: Because he charged the Ambulance for over speed.


Santa: I have made my own life.
Jeeto: Oh no! I was a fool then to blame God.


Banta: Is your car in good condition?
Santa: Sure, everything makes noise except the horn.


Banta: If your wife sent you out to look for a job, what would you do?
Santa: I would look for a new wife.

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